Power Management Using Custom Configuration Profiles | Intune-Hybrid

Dear Intune Admin,

In today’s blog post, I will be showing the beauty of what is called OMA-URI (Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier) and how we can use it to create custom configuration profiles on Intune so that we may be able to set Power Management policies.

You may be asking yourself, what is an OMA-URI?

In Microsoft Intune, OMA-URI settings can be scoped to either users or devices and some only apply to specific versions of Windows 10. This was initially a feature that was brought upon for mobile device management, but it was integrated with Windows 10 so that there is an option to utilize CSP (Configuration Service Providers) to configure settings on Windows 10 devices.

Now, you may be curious on what exactly CSP’s definition is and what it does –

CSP - A configuration service provider (CSP) is an interface to read, set, modify, or delete configuration settings on the device. These settings map to registry keys or files. Some configuration service providers support the WAP format, some support SyncML, and some support both. SyncML is only used over–the–air for Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA DM), whereas WAP can be used over–the–air for OMA Client Provisioning, or it can be included in the phone image as a .provxml file that is installed during boot.

We can jump straight into the action with this one!

Normally, if you check your settings and move to Power Options, it will allow you to change when the display and power will time out leading to a sleep state, but what if you wanted to centrally manage these options through Intune? Well, let us go!

Creating a Custom Configuration Profile on Intune

Step 1:

Endpoint Manager -> ”Devices”-> ”Configuration Profiles

Step 2:

Platform: ”Windows 10 and later
Profile Type: ”Custom

Configuration Settings

Because we are setting Power Management settings, I will be gearing the OMA-URI’s towards these options, but if you would like to learn more about different configurations, this will lead you to Microsoft’s official documentation on Policy CSP’s.

These will be what you will fill in for each setting –

Name: DisplayOffTimeoutOnBattery
Description: Not Configured
OMA-URI: “./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/DisplayOffTimeoutOnBattery
Data Type: String
Value: “<enabled/><data id="EnterVideoDCPowerDownTimeOut" value="1200"/>

Name: DisplayOffTimeoutPluggedIn
Description: Not Configured
OMA-URI: “./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/DisplayOffTimeoutPluggedIn
Data Type: String
Value: “<enabled/><data id="EnterVideoACPowerDownTimeOut" value="0"/>

Name: StandbyTimeoutOnBattery
Description: Not Configured
OMA-URI: “./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/StandbyTimeoutOnBattery
Data Type: String
Value: “<enabled/><data id="EnterDCStandbyTimeOut" value="1200"/>

Name: StandbyTimeoutPluggedIn
Description: Not Configured
OMA-URI: “./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/StandbyTimeoutPluggedIn
Data Type: String
Value: “<enabled/><data id="EnterACStandbyTimeOut" value="0"/>

Name: HibernateTimeoutPluggedIn
Description: Not Configured
OMA-URI: “./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/HibernateTimeoutPluggedIn
Data Type: String
Value: “<enabled/><data id="EnterACHibernateTimeOut" value="0"/>

Note: The value numbers above will indicate in seconds of when each policy will take place. If the value is 0, it is considered as “Never”.

Step 2:

Under ”Assignments” –

Please select your group that houses the devices you wish to apply these policies onto

Step 3:

You can skip the “Applicability Rules” and move onto ”Review + Create

Step 4:

Once you have assigned this out, you can now ”create” your custom profile!

Congrats you have now successfully created a custom Intune configuration profile that will deploy policies for Power Management to your devices that are registered and assigned to the appropriate group.

Nicholas Seo